Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Last Song: One Last love

In The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks; Ronnie, a rebellious girl, and her brother’s parents are divorced and  living with their mother. They are sent to spend the summer with their father. Ronnie had absolutely no intention on being kind towards her father or even talking to him throughout the entire summer. However, she meets an extremely handsome man and begins falling in love along with rediscovering her love for music, which is one thing she had and still did have likewise with her father.  Ronnie and her father’s bond grows stronger even as everything begins to fall apart in this tragic romance.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Taking Nothing for Granted

Why me? What did I do? How is this my problem? People question the world and everything inside it often, maybe even consistently. A quote, by Mark Twain, states “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living…” You need to make your own living. I mean come on, your life’s not a remote. Get up and change it yourself. Twain continues on saying “The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” The people inheriting this world always have something going on in their lives whether its good or bad. However, what they do with it is their choice. You can’t blame the world, you cant blame society, you can’t blame anyone but yourself for how your life turns out. You have to carry on with your head up and do whatever you can to create and maintain a happy and healthy life for yourself. No one can do it for you.

Twain’s quotations deep sincerity is a thousand percent true to every human being on this planet. What you do, the decisions you make, how you perform and how you portray yourself and act is up to you. Everything you do can and most likely will cause a chain reaction almost as if knocking down the dominoes of our communities and societies. Like the smallest pebble the water. You have power to change and make the most of yourself. It’s up to no one but you.

Quotation s like these can easily be connected into everyday life. Whether its loathing something or someone, or ruing a day. Volunteering at a homeless shelter I saw many people. I saw lonely people, I saw couples, I saw children, babies, I saw families. They didn’t complain not once. They simply sat inside waiting patiently. When they got in line, they were the most polite people I’d ever met. They got their portions, everyone got the same things. They just said “Thank you.” or “God bless you.” They don’t take what they have for granted. Their decisions led them to where they are, maybe they didn’t deserve what they got; some people didn’t even do anything. However, they made the most of it especially the families. They make conversations, care for each other and stick with each other. Those couples are some of if not the strongest I’ve ever seen. One real life examples, hundreds upon thousands of others. The novel “The Last Song” by: Nicholas Sparks is a book that’s another wonderful example of this quote. Spoiler Alert: In the book, the main character Ronnie, took everything for granted. She did drugs, disobeyed everyone, despised her father and made awful decisions. Throughout the story she changes her life; yes she needed a shovel, but she accomplished change. As she was making friends, finding love, and seeing another world she figured out her life wasn’t as bad as she’d thought. She became less and less selfless and as she gets closer with her father he passed away, and that is when you notice the one hundred percent change her attitude towards life.


The waves lined the shore, crashing and dancing at our feet. We stood there watching, waiting and anticipating. I looked at him, gazing into his eyes. They were sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight and blue as the ocean in which we stood. Staring at his lips as we leaned in for the perfect kiss and then… beep beep beep. I turned over glaring at my alarm clock sighing Tonight. I thought to myself Tonight will be perfect. I can see him again. I dragged myself out of bed looking down at my gorgeous diamond ring, only to clench at my stomach.

“Another beautiful sunny day, huh Lex?” I could hear a familiar voice as I leaned over the rails of the staircase rubbing my eyes to make an effort to open them. Big waste of my time, it was just my brat of a sister Jess. “Have another dream about Christian?” she smeared.

“Shut up.” I mumbled.

“What did you say?” She remarked with another one of her looks.

“I said shut up.”  

“Oh yeah, whose going to make me? Christian?” I turned ferociously stomping into my room picking up the glass I had from last night. “That’s what I thought.” I heard her snarling from at the bottom of the steps. I turned running to the rail hurdling the glass down at the ground as it shattered, glass coving the ground. She looked up at me speechless with a look of surprise.

“I said shut up and I meant it. Now go bother somebody else.”

I got on the bus that morning listening to the bickering behind me, usually I would be along the chatter, but  I just listened to “Heaven” by: Bryan Adams until we finally reached school. I stepped off the bus clenching my coat; shivering at the cold gusts of wind.

I walked into the with the building only to be surrounded by the guys. “Hey, whatcha’ got there?” Brian teased tugging away my iPod.

“Give it back!” I exclaimed.

“Okay,” he groaned, “why are you so obsessed with that stupid song?”

“It’s a long story,” I replied, “Its just-“

“Well, I’m sure I’ve got time for a story.”

“I just-“ I paused hesitantly, “fine. I’ll tell you.”

June 29, 2008
 “Hey beautiful.” I heard a voice behind me. It was no question who it was.

“Christian!” I exclaimed turning away from my locker hugging him. As I pulled away he whipped out a bouquet of flowers. They were bright and vibrant, he obviously knew me well; as I’d always assumed. He always brightened up my day.

“Wow,” I gasped speechlessly, “they’re beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“Cheesy as always.” I laughed as he grinned.

“So, listen I have a surprise for you,” he whispered with his cheeky glow, “meet me outside at 2:50” I nodded in agreement.
Minutes felt lie hours until finally, the bell rang and I rushed grabbing everything from my locker and I came flying out the door and into Christian’s arms.

“Chill,” he began “you still had 30 seconds.”  I giggled a bit before he escorted me to his gorgeous black ’67 Chevy Impala. It was a true beauty.  

“Ready to go?” he questioned me with his big blue eyes.


“Oh before I forget-!” He handed me a change of clothes, “Go change quickly! You’re a bit overdressed for where we’re going.”

I jumped out of the car running to the bathroom. I changed into the clothes he gave me. It was the cutest cropped top tee that said ‘Free’ and these amazing dark washed high wasted shorts, and little back sandals.

“Wow you look stunning.” Christian teased.

“What is that supposed to make me feel beautiful?” I snarled, noticing where his eyes were exactly. "Eyes up buddy, this aint a peep show. You may be my boyfriend but-"

"Sorry. sorry." he said raising his hands in defense. "Now come on hop in."

“Where are we going?”


“No really where are we-“


“Oh wow,” I remarked, “I didn’t realize the middle of my sentence was interrupting the beginning of yours.” We exchanged glances laughing.

Listening to music, driving and talking… the time flew. Then we finally stopped in a parking lot on a cliff. He came and opened my door leading me down the stairs on the side of the hill to a little beach. The beach was surrounded by dense green woods and brilliantly bright flowers. They looked a lot like the ones in the bouquet he gave me. I felt isolated from the world like it was just him and I.

“Are those the same flowers in the-“

“Yes,” he cut me off once again, “Those are the flowers in you bouquet .” he smiled. “Well let’s get in the water!”

“But- I don’t have a bathing suit!” I exclaimed.

“Oh well!” He had the giddiest expression on his face as he grabbed my waste running at the water. We swam, splashed and laughed for hours. Until the sun began to set and we laid on the shore with our feet in the water. I felt so right with him wrapped in his arms. I wanted to be with him forever.

“Let’s build a sandcastle!” I exclaimed springing up like a little townsfolk child on Christmas day. He sprung up grabbing my wrist and pulled me closer as he brought out a remote pressing a button as the song “Heaven” by: Brian Adams came through the speakers of an iPod dock I didn't even notice. He pulled me closer as I laid my head on his shoulder while he caressed my hips as we rocked back and forward. The waves lined the shore, crashing and somehow dancing with us  at our feet. As the song ended; we stood there watching, waiting and anticipating. I looked at him, gazing into his eyes. They were sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight and blue as the crystal like water in which we stood. Staring at his lips as we leaned in for the perfect kiss and then… he pulled away for some reason.

“Hailey.” he said shakily.

“What?” I asked nervous to know the answer.

“I can’t be with you anymore.”

“What? Why?”

“Look its not you it’s-“

“Me,” I cut him off quickly, “never heard that one before.” Turning away from him scurrying the other direction.

“No, listen you don’t understand”

“No, you don’t understand!” I screeched with tears welling in my eyes, “We’ve been together four years and you want to dump me now?”

“It’s not like that!” he yelled chasing after me until he caught me, spinning me on my heels. “It’s not like that…” he said quietly. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear and kissed me on the cheek as my tears began flowing even more rapidly as if a river of all the frustration, anger, fear, sadness, and every other emotion I could feel were just flowing out of me.

“Can we stay here for a while longer?” I asked "Please." His eyes seemed to plead to find the emotion in my eyes yet saw a mass of confusion. He nodded his head and we laid there watching the stars.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

June 30, 2008
“Hailey!” I heard an exclamation from downstairs, “phone! Something about some guy… Christian?” I  sprinted down the stairs and answered the phone.

“I have to run Jess! I’ll be back by tomorrow!”

“But-“ the door slammed shut before she could respond and I was out the door. My sister ran in front of my car as I slammed the breaks; my car came to a long, screeching halt.
I sprung from my car, “What the hell?” I screamed, “I could’ve killed you! How stupid could you be?”

“I don’t care,” she replied voice shaking, “I want to know what’s wrong.”

“You won’t care, you don’t care about anything but yourself!”

“Fine. You’re right.” She said sternly, “I don’t care, but it’ll get dirt on you.”

“I don’t need your remarks, okay?” I sighed, “Move out of the way.”

“No not until you tell me,” she paused for a moment but then continued, “unless you want to b a big baby about everything.”
“God I’m happy I’m leaving you soon. Mom’s going to come home and I’ll be back off to college without snot nosed little brats like you.”

“Still not moving,” he smirked, but that smirk disappeared even quicker than it came for she looked in my eyes, “I’ve never seen you like this. Now I’m worried. What’s wrong?” 

“Christian. He’s in the hospital. He wasn’t supposed to die for another week! I have to go see him! What if he dies tonight…  Now move! Or I swear to god-“


Once she moved, I pressed down on the pedal, hard.  I drove with tears forming in my eyes. Suck it up I thought, he can’t see your tears. Here it is. I looked up at huge red cross and sprinted from  my car all the way to Christian’s room. I froze staring at him as he gazed out the window. He turned his head with the brightest smile on his face, which faded as quickly as it came when his eyes stared at my face.

“How can you be smiling right now. It’s supposed to be your last day.”

“Because,” he began, “I get to spend it with you.” I was still wearing the clothes he had given me the day before. I walked to the chair by his medical bed and laid my head on his chest sobbing.

“Hey,” he said tilting my head so my eyes met his. I tried to tear my gaze from his but I couldn’t. I couldn’t help but notice his sparkle was beginning to leave and is eyes were dulling. “Please don’t be sad. I’ll always be with you. Just look up to the stars; I’ll be the brightest one in the sky.”


“No, ” he cut me off, “Let me try to get this out. You’re the most extraordinarily brilliant girl I’ve even met. You're beautiful, cheeky, and I love you.” He pulled out a ring continuing on, “Hailey, I love you."

“I love you too.” I began crying a river.

"Will you marry me?"

"We can't get married..."

"Why not? My vows, the rings and everything you’ll have them. It just won’t be official, but I want you to keep going on and live your life. Even without me you can be happy. Carry on. We can have a fake little wedding right now if you want.”

I laughed, "Sure." I said.

"Okay," he said, "I Christian take you Alexia to be my wife."

" And I take you Christian to be my husband." I laughed at the thought.

"You have to promise me you'll carry on no matter what. You have to live your life without me there." he paused to look at me. "Do you promise?

“I promise,” I paused, “ but you’re my one and only. No one can replace you. I’m sorry but you may not be my first but you're most definitely my last.” He smiled and went on talking about everything that’s happened to us and I fell asleep by the side of his bed, my head on his chest and the feeling of him stroking my hair. His stomach bobbed up and down ever so slightly, and so steady. Being in his arms was the best feeling I ever felt. I was woken with a long lasting beep. My eyes opened, blurry trying to adjust to the brightly lighted room. I looked over at the monitor. The line was straight and the noise of the beep was now crisp and clear. I began shaking him.

“Christian?” I began “Christian? Christian! No!” I screamed. I became frantic.“We need a doctor! Please help me!” A group of men and women swarmed in pushing me out of the room.

"You have to give us space. You need to get out." I stood outside the room watching helplessly. He was gone.

  “That’s it everyone.” The doctor called. “2:48 AM. July 31, 2008.


"And I haven't loved anyone else since." I murmured. I looked up to see the guys with their heads hanging low speechless over what they just heard. 

"I- I'm so sorry." Brian stuttered, "I had no idea."I just-"

"Yeah," I huffed under my breath, "but its fine. I see him every night." I whispered staring down at my ring.