Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mourning in the Winter Mornings

Author's Note: This picture reminded me of how everything dies and becomes glum, but then it brightens up just like life. In this way, I am metaphorically comparing a tree and nature to life.

 Spring’s beauty is truly magnificent. The flowers blooming and the fresh mist in the air
The snow falls in a whirl landing and sticking piling over and over again. The children sled down the hills only to tread up the god forsaken hills once more to glide down the slope for a second time. The excitement in their lives is immense and everything seems perfect, but they’re delusional on what is truly happening around them. The ice is clear; no one could see the ice. The cars cruise along then hitting the ice. Screeching and sliding attempting to come to a halt, but find themselves losing control and crashing. Then, the poor children who weren’t taught any better walk onto the thin ice of the pond. Waddling and and making their way they slip and break the ice falling to their deaths.

Oh how I despise the winter. Winter… for some it’s a joyful season with hugs and kisses… but what about for me? For me it’s a sorrow filled pit of death and despair. Everything around us dies and most don’t seem to care. I mean it’s not like you should care to the point of ruining your life with no way to turn back, but it’s just the mindless delusional people that frolic in the snow thinking nothing’s wrong.             That’s what bothers me. Do they honestly not know what’s truly been happening? How the frigid cold pierces the homeless out on the streets. Everything around them is beginning to fade, yet everything seems brighter and happier… but it’s not. Somehow everything seems gloomy and gray and you’re just reminded of what could’ve been if that car wouldn’t have hit that sheet of black ice, if only that lake’s ice wouldn’t have thinned and broken dragging an innocent child to their death.
Although life knocks you down you have the choice to get up again. It’s okay to break, everyone is going to break at some point, even the strongest people break, but the best thing you can do is to get back up again. Nature can pick itself up and bloom the beautiful fields and sunshine, so why can’t you? You were created to live your life until you were needed or were no longer needed. The ways of the lord are mysterious and won’t be known soon or possibly ever. Above it all, you just have to keep moving, live life to the fullest, learn as much as you can, and laugh as often as you please because once you’re gone, all you should honestly be remembered with is laughter and happy memories. If the only way you will be remembered is with tears and mourning, maybe you shouldn’t be remembered y those specific people at all.

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