Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Topic 1: One Direction

When you hear of a pop phenomenon, what; or rather who comes to mind? It may be your favorite artist, or maybe even your favorite soda if you somehow misinterpreted what I meant by saying “pop.” But what comes to mind isn’t just anyone. Its the amazingly talented boys in One Direction whom I love so dearly. I met them about a month ago and they haven’t slipped my mind. Not once, not ever. They were always the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last I thought of when I fell asleep. I never knew I would, or rather could fall for Harry. He was a pop star, singing sold out concerts, getting whatever he pleased whenever he pleased. Ugh. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach. It was unbearable it was to have to admit had had fallen completely head over heels for him because it seemed impossible. How could someone so famous, so gorgeous want to go out with someone like me? To be honest, I was shocked I couldn’t even tolerate him, but I knew my friend Skyler would be drooling all over them and practically worshiping the ground they walked on. Each and everyone of them... but I never knew that she would start to like Niall, like legitimately. And I sure as hell didn’t think it would go this far...

Chapter 1: Rachel
“One Direction! One Direction! One Direction!” The chants in the crowd were immense. I could barely hear myself think. Skyler stood next to me, screaming with me as we heard a voice, a very familiar voice. It was Harry I could tell right off the bat. “Thats what makes you beautiful-ul-ul” The sound echoed and the lights flashed as the beginning of the song broke. Liam was the first to emerge from the smoke leading through a tunnel on the stage. “You’re insecure... Don’t know what for” We were immediately screaming along with the lyrics. “Baby you light up my world like nobody else!”

My eye immediately caught Harry. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I never knew anyone could look so perfect. His bouncy curly locks perfectly framing his beautifully sculpted face. Oh, don’t get me wrong they were all truly amazing... but something about Harry. Something about his perfect complexion, his gorgeous eyes, his smile... oh his smile. His smile could melt a snowcone in Antarctica. Then Harry’s solo started... “Baby you light up my world like nobody else...” His eyes caught mine and I was absolutely breathless. I want to stay frozen in that exact moment forever. Then came that moment we broke our gaze... “Thats what makes you beautiful!” He voice was powerful as a bulldozer. But those few amazing seconds I spent gazing into his eyes made me feel like I wanted him. Like I wanted to be his, and I wanted him to be mine... forever.

Of course, perfect timing. “What Makes You Beautiful” ended then the song “I Want” came blasting through the speakers... “I want. I want. I want. But that's crazy.” Yeah. I knew it was crazy. I mean what were the odds? A normal small town girl, poor and who barely made this concert would have even the slimmest chance as to have a glimpse of a huge pop star such as him, or any of them. They were all so stunning. Huge comparison there. I mean... just look at me. Harry took one last look at me during their closing, singing a reprise of “What Makes You Beautiful” once again, then left. I yearned to be with him in that very moment. I couldn’t believe my time had already turned. Why couldn’t I be with him? I knew the answer.. I just didn’t want to admit to the truth.

Okay, okay I will admit I liked the lads a lot like even more than you could imagine. But I wasn’t obsessed and I’m still not obsessed. I mean... as Zayn always says, “Don’t call a girl obsessed when she’s just in love.” Well, I wasn’t sure it was absolute love. However, I knew there was something there. A flare, maybe even just a spark that could start our fire.

I walked home alone that night. My friends ditched me after the whole soiree and they went to drink. I couldn’t believe them. Come on, the bar... again... really? I guess I just don’t really drink, which is odd I guess but I’m proud of it. I hate the smell of alcohol. The stench. The people who pierced the fresh air with their interesting smells, however did some pretty hilarious things though. No one was on the streets though. The streets were eerily silent and still besides the few passing cars that made me jump at every honk. Thunder then began to pick up and the lightning struck the street beside me. My sight blurred focusing in and out on the six figures around me then everything went black.

Chapter 2: Harry Styles

Her smile, the way she gazed up at me and that twinkle in her eyes. It was as if every one of our song lyrics about these amazing perfect girls came a thousand percent true when I saw her. Who was that girl?
“Hey Harry!” Louis called, “You seemed a little... distracted...”
“Who Me? Distracted? Well, thats a boat full of rubbish.” I solemnly replied.
“I was just kidding, gosh Harry. Can’t you take a bit of a banter?”
“Yes, I can. I’m just a bit... flustered thats all.”
“What is it Harry?”
“Well... I sa-”
“Hazza!” Liam cried running through the door.
“Vas Happenin’?” Zayn sneered.
“Hey Harry! Great job on your solo!” Niall commented.
“Why thank-you lads.” I responded.
“Well what are we doing here lads?”  Zayn exclaimed, “Off the the bar we go!”
“Yeah... just one second...” I mumbled.
“You alright Hazza?” Liam questioned me.
“Yeah,” I replied, “never better I just need to talk to Louis.. alone.”
“Alright, but hurry!” He squealed, “We’re definitely in for a good night!” The lads left the room and Louis looked at me with his worried stares. “What’s the matter Harry?”
“It just a girl.” I replied.”
“Harry Edward Styles,” He began, “I know you. Your the most rambunctious and flirtatious eighteen year old I've ever met. Whats wrong? You wouldn't be goo goo over some girl you saw, and never talked to."
"Really, its fine," I continued, "Can we just go? We'll be left behind. I'll tell you on the way."

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