Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Everlasting Love

Author's Note: We were analyzing the Conflict and resolution of a story we had read in the past. I chose Tuck Everlasting.

In the book Tuck Everlasting lives a girl, Winnie, who just wanted to break free. She was to act perfectly poise and never could have any "fun."As a result, she ran away into the woods finding a magical water hole and a mysterious boy who had been drinking it. Meeting the family, practically kidnapped Winnie then faced an enormous decision; drink the water and be everlasting alongside the family she had found and become accustomed with, or go back to her goody two shoe life.

The conflict becomes resolved by Winnie realizing that she can't be everlasting because it would disrupt the 'wheel of life' as explained by Angus and Miles Tuck, who are immortal. In the long run despite falling in love and wanting to be with the one she loved, she decided to decline drinking the water. This added a fatal and rather upsetting, heart wrenching ending to what could've but shouldn’t have been.

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