Thursday, October 11, 2012

Domino: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Authors Note: We were analyzing cause/effects in stories and books. I chose the book 'the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.' Please recognize the hook I tried to imply that you could make a relationship to due to dominoes. Is there any way I could improve?

Do you remember dominos as a kid? How you would line them up and that one little domino would send a wave affecting the entire line. Or maybe you've dropped a stone in the water in and watch the ripples expanding and creating new waves, changes in the water's surface. In the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon, a young boy with Autism had been living with his father for years in belief that his mother had been dead for many years. However, his mother had been alive the whole time writing letters to her son (Christopher) whom she had been isolated from by her ex-husband. In a later point in the book Christopher discovers the lies and guilt his father had been hiding over the years. While in search of books he discovered the letters sent to him he should've received in a range of years ago to recent times. The letters caused a enormous affect in the plotline of the story. 

Reading the letters from his mother created a huge chain reaction due to  Christopher's discoveries and uncovering of the truth. After his father found that Christopher found the letters his mother had sent him, he then became more open. Giving his son a bath he reveals the truth behind his mother, and give a key trait to the book of who had killed Wellington (the dog who had been murdered.) This upsets Christopher and he decides to do something rather unlikely. Christopher waits for his father to fall asleep in the living room and sneak s out with a Swiss army knife and his pet rat, Toby, to try to move in with Mrs. Shears in the morning. Ending in failure he decides to find somewhere else to stay, so on and so on. A lot could have changed in result of deletion of the letters' occurrence.

As you can see, this simple part of the story instantaneously caused a massive domino effect. If you were to take that simple part of the story out, the father may not have opened up, Christopher might not have learned the truth and he may have lived his life thinking his mother was still alive. These changes in the book were quite critical to the rather complex plot of the story. 

1 comment:

  1. You're spot on with the introductory sentences -- well done! I also appreciate your event; the letters definitely moved this novel onto another path.
