Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Author's Note: My writing circle chose the topic heartbreak and I've written down how I've felt about things before. From a different person's point of view.

I saw you,
I liked you,
You like me,
We began to be,
You got bored,
Then You cheated,
Now were over,
so you're deleted,
My heart now longs for you,
my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you,
and my empty arms reach out for you
now nothing will cure my headache,
because I'm now experiencing what we all call heartbreak.

Friday, December 16, 2011

You Just Won't Understand

 AUTHOR'S NOTE: My writing's circle's topic was depression and this is how i once felt and still feel sometimes. Honestly, most people truly just wont understand.

Depression is hard to explain. Those who've never had it, the "lucky ones" as I like to think simply won't understand. It's not that you're sad all the time... It's more like you just lack emotion. You go through your daily routine, but inside you're just a big ball of nothing. It's strange, really. At the end of the month, if someone were to ask you how that month was, you wouldn't have an answer. The days pass by like a blur. You watch others have fun with their friends and you just... you just wish that could be you. Why do they deserve it more than you? Why?
Oh then comes the constant wondering. It's so consistent you honestly can't keep your mind on anything besides the wonder. You know... what have I done to deserve this? How long can this, this gaping hole inside me last? Will I ever feel happiness - TRUE happiness - again?
Sometimes... well, no, more than sometimes, I reflect on life before this emptiness started. Life used to be so... colorful. Fun existed; you know what I'm saying? And I even find myself getting lost in those happy times! It's so great to feel again,  but nothing is worse than leaving those memories and returning to reality. It's like a slap in the face. The color leaves and all you can see is black and white again.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Grumpy Old Man

 Author's Note: My writing circle chose Elderly people and I was inspired by a man, i forget who, but his story saddened me of how people saw him, and then he passed away.

You leave me here only to assume
That when you see me sitting in my room
You pass me by wondering why I seem so glum
You think that a grumpy old man is all I’ve become

I don’t see my kids, my sons and my daughters
I sit here alone thinking I ought to
No one comes and visits me s I sit here alone
My wife had died just a few years ago.

I wonder if you could ever have the heart to look underneath.
And see my heart and soul underneath
If sometime I could just fulfill my plans
But All you see is a simple, grumpy old man.

I would just want somebody to visit me.
And just see everything that I always do be
You’ve never truly known me, so why do you judge me?

I played sports, I’ve built forts
I used to hide all I ever wanted to imply.
But now I just wanted say…
You think I’m a simple grumpy old man
Why couldn’t you have helped me fulfill my plan?


 Author's Note: We are doing Writing Circles and we wanted to do a horror story. I thought of this story after i wrote the conclusion.

I walk through the door only to see the winter’s frost and the bare trees of the unforgiving winter. Chills shoot up my spine with fear and the cold chills. I look side to side and i see nothing but my other piers. I guess I’m first. I walk through the path looking side to side and the walls barricading us in. I keep walking forward as i look up to see a twitching man grabbing down at us. I scream, and pick up my pace. I walk faster and faster screaming and jumping finding my way through the putrid and terrifying maze. The men hung dangling from the sides of the walls reaching and grabbing, craving their unforgiving lives back, or just searching for one. I sort of felt pity for them. People sat glaring down from the balconies above s and crows lines the statues... huge, over sized, human-like crows as I came to a barn with horse stalls. The horses butchered and immensely gruesome to have seen and to still picture.  The maniacs sat in their stalls, just watching. I peered around to see the ceiling was cracked and torn apart and the full moon shone down on the velvet slit of carpet. A man walked up to the edge of the stall and screamed in my face revealing an axe, as I jolted left only to find another maniac with his chainsaw screaming at me as I looked up to see someone reaching for me from above. The only place I could go was  down and out as i sprinted for the barn door and rushed to my car and turned the key to the engine,but it wouldn't start. I looked out and cleared the fogged glass and looking out, I saw the man coming towards my car. I kept turning at the key trying to get it to run, as the car jolted into reverse and crashed into the tree behind me.

    Hi, my name is Alyssa. I died on October 31, 2001. I was seventeen years old. I hope you wont be that idiot girl who trails, gets lost,does what everyone tells her not to, and crashes their car in a tree. I have perished for your own good, but if you ruin your chances... they will come for you too and find a way to lure you in, as they did to me. There will be no where to run, and no where to hide... not from the others.

Team Edwardor Team Jacob?

 Authors Note: We're doing writing circles, and people seem to like Twilight, so here my view o the book and Team Edward and Jacob Debate.

I don't want to do a report on Team Edward or Team Jacob. I think that Twilight is simply over rated and the Team Edward and Team Jacob debate is ridiculous, but if i had to choose one... it would be JACOB! He stood my Bella’s side when she needed him even when she picked Edward over him. Edward is pale and pasty, and he bothers me. While Jacob is a hot, sexy looking body builder with an amazing tan!  Oh, and isn’t Edward supposed to be this blood-sucking dark hole of a person? No. Apparently he’s a kind sweet vampire. The plot makes no sense and ruins the fun of what we were once afraid of.