Monday, December 3, 2012

My Brother Sam is Dead

*Two months later*

The windows shuddered and fences rattled at the gusts of wind. Rain splattered upon the windows. The dark night could pierce one’s soul with a single strike. I sat stirring my soup, not appetizer as I had been for the past few months.

“Quit playing with your food, boy!” I looked up to see my father’s eyes beaming into mine. I took a spoonful of my stew placing it into my mouth and swallowing. “There you go.” He smiled. I simply grinned back. Everything was always boring without Sam. Yes, there was less fighting, but there nights without him seemed to always lack something. I just sat there thinking of Sam. I imagined all the things he was doing. Shooting people down, meeting women, getting drunk almost every night. Of course, I’d never tell father.

My thoughts got interrupted with a knock on the door. “Well, aren’t you gonna get it?” My father questioned me staring in my direction. I glanced to my mother, then back to my father, “Yes, sir.” I replied solemnly walking to the door. With a tug, the wisps of wind blew the door open, and in came a man in a black suit. “Hello,” he began, “I’m am so very sorry to inform you… your bother, son, accomplice, family member-“

“The point sir, while were still young?” I asked. My father shot me a glare.

“Okay,” the man said looking down at me, “Sam is dead.”

“W-what?” I managed to croak out.

“Your brother Sam is dead.” He said standing beside me.

“You’re lying. He’s not dead.” I muttered staring at the floor.

“Pardon?” the man asked.

“I said he’s not dead! You’re lying!”

“Timmy!” my dad rose from his seat, “shut the door and sit down! I won’t any back sass from you tonight, and I sure as hell am not ” I didn’t argue and I did as I was told. I know he had to be lying. He had to be. Sam was… extraordinary, the best solider I’d ever met.

The world seemed to stop as I felt my world shift. I sat with my tears waiting, threatening to fall from my eyes. Sam was…. Dead? No, no he couldn’t be. That’s impossible. He’s amazing at what he does. He would take crap from anyone.

“I’m truly sorry, sir.” The man said, “I’ll leave you folks alone.” With a tip of his hat he was out the door into the pouring rain.

“I warned him. No one can compare to our mighty soldiers. We’re the best in the world.” Father stated firmly.

“So you don’t even care?” I questioned him.
He shot daggers into my eyes. “Of course I care. He’s my boy,” he said looking down playing food, “It’s just… its better now and someone else than me.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

My mother patted father’s back comfortingly. “I’m going to be going off to war. You need to be the man of the house and look after your mother.”

“When were you gonna tell me?”



“Just eat your food.” I did what I was told.

“You know,” My father began, “You could be off in war too. You’re getting there in age.” I looked around the room trying to fixate on what to say next. “Or you can stay and care for your mother.” He suggested once again.

“I’ll think about it.” I said, plastering a smirk on my face. And that I did. When my father set off for war I said my goodbyes to him and then to my mother when there was absolution had gone. Following in my brother’s footsteps, I set off for freedom and independence from the British and the daily dictations of my father.

Monday, October 29, 2012

What I'd Tell Our Founding Fathers

Dear Founding Fathers of the Constitution,

Your Constitution has been changed quite a bit since you had last seen it. It’s heavily guarded, and is an immense part of our Country as it stands today due to its significance. The changes to our and your Constitution are at quite a large extent, and rules have changed a bit since you last saw them, which I know you assumed there would be. Sculpting to our needs, your constitution was and still is a living document that has kept our nation united and strong.

Years and years after you all died, a war broke between the South and North region, the Civil war. It occurred over the disagreements involving slavery. Even though about half of the citizens of our country disagreed with slavery, it was still legal until the North states won, ending slavery. Then Civil War Amendments were added to the Constitution. The thirteenth amendment ended slavery, the fourteenth amendment protected those slaves whom were freed, and the fifteenth amendment was created to protect blacks’ voting rights. Though our country went through a lot at that stage, the Constitution kept us together and healed us in this way.

Over the years, more and more amendments were created through basic passage of legislation by congress, an action taken by a President, key decisions by a Supreme Court, or the activities of a political party. There were twelve more amendments after the fifteenth. The biggest milestones I feel were the nineteenth, twenty-second, and the twenty-sixth amendments. Being a huge turning point of our country was the nineteenth stating there is to be “no denial of suffrage based on sex,” meaning women could now vote, not just men like in your day. Another amendment was the twenty-second explains presidents can only serve two terms in congress. One of the last amendments is the twenty-sixth, allowing voting at the age of eighteen. In all there are twenty-seven amendments, which I can guarantee you will increase as years pass.

The Constitution has been a phenomenal part of strengthening our country while maintaining flexibility to adapt to our needs as a whole. Your document has now become one of the most important, heavily guarded pieces of history of our nation. I wonder if you could’ve even imagined just how far it would come and how large of a binding factor it is for our country.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Everlasting Love

Author's Note: We were analyzing the Conflict and resolution of a story we had read in the past. I chose Tuck Everlasting.

In the book Tuck Everlasting lives a girl, Winnie, who just wanted to break free. She was to act perfectly poise and never could have any "fun."As a result, she ran away into the woods finding a magical water hole and a mysterious boy who had been drinking it. Meeting the family, practically kidnapped Winnie then faced an enormous decision; drink the water and be everlasting alongside the family she had found and become accustomed with, or go back to her goody two shoe life.

The conflict becomes resolved by Winnie realizing that she can't be everlasting because it would disrupt the 'wheel of life' as explained by Angus and Miles Tuck, who are immortal. In the long run despite falling in love and wanting to be with the one she loved, she decided to decline drinking the water. This added a fatal and rather upsetting, heart wrenching ending to what could've but shouldn’t have been.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Domino: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Authors Note: We were analyzing cause/effects in stories and books. I chose the book 'the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.' Please recognize the hook I tried to imply that you could make a relationship to due to dominoes. Is there any way I could improve?

Do you remember dominos as a kid? How you would line them up and that one little domino would send a wave affecting the entire line. Or maybe you've dropped a stone in the water in and watch the ripples expanding and creating new waves, changes in the water's surface. In the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon, a young boy with Autism had been living with his father for years in belief that his mother had been dead for many years. However, his mother had been alive the whole time writing letters to her son (Christopher) whom she had been isolated from by her ex-husband. In a later point in the book Christopher discovers the lies and guilt his father had been hiding over the years. While in search of books he discovered the letters sent to him he should've received in a range of years ago to recent times. The letters caused a enormous affect in the plotline of the story. 

Reading the letters from his mother created a huge chain reaction due to  Christopher's discoveries and uncovering of the truth. After his father found that Christopher found the letters his mother had sent him, he then became more open. Giving his son a bath he reveals the truth behind his mother, and give a key trait to the book of who had killed Wellington (the dog who had been murdered.) This upsets Christopher and he decides to do something rather unlikely. Christopher waits for his father to fall asleep in the living room and sneak s out with a Swiss army knife and his pet rat, Toby, to try to move in with Mrs. Shears in the morning. Ending in failure he decides to find somewhere else to stay, so on and so on. A lot could have changed in result of deletion of the letters' occurrence.

As you can see, this simple part of the story instantaneously caused a massive domino effect. If you were to take that simple part of the story out, the father may not have opened up, Christopher might not have learned the truth and he may have lived his life thinking his mother was still alive. These changes in the book were quite critical to the rather complex plot of the story. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Larger Space he Filled

Author's Note: We were doing Personal Narratives for our topics. I decided to do mine on a rather emotional topic to me of when my dog, Smokey was put down. Please, if you can make constructive comments? Thanks!

I laid by your bed watching you stomach bobbing up and down almost as if you were drowning in your own stomach. Your body was growing, expanding, and the color was leaving your eyes. I could tell something was wrong.

"Don't worry boy, everything will be okay." I whispered "I’ll be here I promise. I won't let anything happen to you. I swear. As long as you're with me… you'll be safe." With those last word I put my hand gently on his stomach laying next to him. My dog. The only dog I had longer than a day. The dog I've had since Preschool. The one I wasn't there for. The one I complained about and to all the time. He never cried, he never yelped. The sweetest dog I could ever asked for was in pain, and I could tell. Turning looking into his eyes, I noticed they were fading. I remember the first day I got him… when those now dull eyes were bright and brown… almost like a chocolate bar; yeah, that’s it! A chocolate bar. He used to run everywhere, but now he could hardly walk a few feet.  He used to hop up on the couch begging for attention, but due to my mom that quickly ceased. He used to eat carrots… all the time. They were his favorite food, his favorite treat that he would engorge himself on. Now he wouldn’t even lick them. I didn't know what was wrong with him.

I laid at a slant beside him carefully studying his ribcage. It was still rising. I put my head down allowing his fur to absorb my tears. "I love you Smokey…" I stood up walking away as his head sprung up. I looked back to see the sweet dog I'd always loved. His ears laid down glued to his head, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I promise boy," I paused to briefly take a deep breath, "It'll all be okay." I said walking back to smooth his ears putting him down to rest his head. I kissed him gently on his head, as I sighed and walked until reached my room. Slumped in my bed, I laid awake for hours knowing something really was wrong. Soon fell into a trance to be awoken my alarm. I prepared myself for the day I was to embrace.

For hours I sat waiting, anticipating… occasionally stopping by knowing I couldn't stay by him long. Eventually my mother took him to the vet.

"Don’t worry," she stated , "I'm sure he'll just need some medication."

I knew the truth though. I sat playing video games, just trying to get my mind of things. Time seemed to fly, until that moment. My brother came downstairs balling and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned him.  My father followed down the stairs. His face filled with sorrow. His skin seemed paler than usual, which was quite pale, though somehow managed to look me straight in the eyes. I could feel my brother's steamed breath condensation on my clothes and his tear dampening my shirt. I fought hard to keep my tears back. My dad took a breath.

"Its Smokey," he began "He has cancer. He has multiple tumors. One erupted in his stomach. He also has one on his tongue." His voice began growing more and more shaky but I didn’t care. I blocked everything out. The last words I heard were "We have to put Smokey down. He's suffering," My dad was now beginning to cry, "He'll be dead by tonight. The vet said he has less than 10% of a chance of making it till morning. We brought him home so you can’t say goodbye to him before we put him down."  It was too late. Rivers streamed down my face. I felt my stomach drop as my world shifted around me. Reality finally kicked in. In a way, I was expecting that, but I fought so hard to believe it not to be true. This was a lot more than a daily medication could fix. My mind flooded with everything. The day I kicked him while I was on the swing seemed to appear in my mind most frequent. I was the reason he had hip problems and didn't get the proper exercise he needed. How I always fed him lunch meat, carrots, and other foods.  All the memories, how he knew when I was upset, when I was happy, and the kiss up he was when I was upset with him. I couldn't believe how selfish I had been.

I rubbed my brothers back I got up, "You- you're lying," I stuttered, "he cant be." I sprinted upstairs and ran outside to the car, where he laid in the back seat. I sat talking about 20 minutes.

"Hey boy," I paused, trying to gather my boggled mind, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry… I broke my promise boy." I huffed under my breath sniffling and trying to hold back my tears.  I could tell he was in pain. He knew our emotion, so he was tormented emotionally, physically, and mentally. I could tell he didn't know what was going on. That little did he know this was one of the last times We'd ever see each other. Tears flooded my eyes. I laid there just hugging him, embracing him. I told him over and over how much I loved him, how sorry I was, but I knew it would never be enough.  I felt like I had been slammed with a semi truck on a highway. I couldn't and still imagine how he felt. Blood gushing inside him, pressuring his inside organs. He never did anything, but I guess only the good die young. I filmed him, took pictures of him, cried alongside him, fed him. I  did anything I could to make his last bit of life worthwhile.

I walked inside for a brief moment to be embraced by my father.

"It'll be okay," he whispered, "We-"

"How long?" I questioned him.

"What do you-"

"When are you taking him?" I stared sternly

"About ten minutes." he replied solemnly.

"I'll be with him until then."

I turned out the door to accompany my dog. Minutes felt like hours as I watched him pant, studying my eyes carefully. He knew something was wrong, but I know he didn't know what. My parents came out and drove him away. That’s the last time I saw my dog. That important part of my family, a major part of my childhood. I don't know why he had cancer,  but he did. Apparently he had it for a year. I knew something was always wrong, but my mom never listened. I could picture him, in that room looking my mom and dad wondering why he was strapped down, who the man beside him was… what the pain was he felt, how starving he must've been. The pain he endure up to the point they stuck that needle in to end his misery. How can you even explain how that would feel?

That night I tortured myself with music. I listened to songs such as "More Than This" "Moments" and a lot of others, but mainly the two. I guess that's just how I get through things. Lyrics have their own voice. Crying tires you out so quickly, I practically passed out. I finally knew how it felt to cry myself to sleep. I guess it turned out okay, but I still miss him, I think of him every day. So I guess there no closure or absolution. There's only the missing gap, but the even larger space he filled.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Last Song: One Last love

In The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks; Ronnie, a rebellious girl, and her brother’s parents are divorced and  living with their mother. They are sent to spend the summer with their father. Ronnie had absolutely no intention on being kind towards her father or even talking to him throughout the entire summer. However, she meets an extremely handsome man and begins falling in love along with rediscovering her love for music, which is one thing she had and still did have likewise with her father.  Ronnie and her father’s bond grows stronger even as everything begins to fall apart in this tragic romance.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Taking Nothing for Granted

Why me? What did I do? How is this my problem? People question the world and everything inside it often, maybe even consistently. A quote, by Mark Twain, states “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living…” You need to make your own living. I mean come on, your life’s not a remote. Get up and change it yourself. Twain continues on saying “The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” The people inheriting this world always have something going on in their lives whether its good or bad. However, what they do with it is their choice. You can’t blame the world, you cant blame society, you can’t blame anyone but yourself for how your life turns out. You have to carry on with your head up and do whatever you can to create and maintain a happy and healthy life for yourself. No one can do it for you.

Twain’s quotations deep sincerity is a thousand percent true to every human being on this planet. What you do, the decisions you make, how you perform and how you portray yourself and act is up to you. Everything you do can and most likely will cause a chain reaction almost as if knocking down the dominoes of our communities and societies. Like the smallest pebble the water. You have power to change and make the most of yourself. It’s up to no one but you.

Quotation s like these can easily be connected into everyday life. Whether its loathing something or someone, or ruing a day. Volunteering at a homeless shelter I saw many people. I saw lonely people, I saw couples, I saw children, babies, I saw families. They didn’t complain not once. They simply sat inside waiting patiently. When they got in line, they were the most polite people I’d ever met. They got their portions, everyone got the same things. They just said “Thank you.” or “God bless you.” They don’t take what they have for granted. Their decisions led them to where they are, maybe they didn’t deserve what they got; some people didn’t even do anything. However, they made the most of it especially the families. They make conversations, care for each other and stick with each other. Those couples are some of if not the strongest I’ve ever seen. One real life examples, hundreds upon thousands of others. The novel “The Last Song” by: Nicholas Sparks is a book that’s another wonderful example of this quote. Spoiler Alert: In the book, the main character Ronnie, took everything for granted. She did drugs, disobeyed everyone, despised her father and made awful decisions. Throughout the story she changes her life; yes she needed a shovel, but she accomplished change. As she was making friends, finding love, and seeing another world she figured out her life wasn’t as bad as she’d thought. She became less and less selfless and as she gets closer with her father he passed away, and that is when you notice the one hundred percent change her attitude towards life.


The waves lined the shore, crashing and dancing at our feet. We stood there watching, waiting and anticipating. I looked at him, gazing into his eyes. They were sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight and blue as the ocean in which we stood. Staring at his lips as we leaned in for the perfect kiss and then… beep beep beep. I turned over glaring at my alarm clock sighing Tonight. I thought to myself Tonight will be perfect. I can see him again. I dragged myself out of bed looking down at my gorgeous diamond ring, only to clench at my stomach.

“Another beautiful sunny day, huh Lex?” I could hear a familiar voice as I leaned over the rails of the staircase rubbing my eyes to make an effort to open them. Big waste of my time, it was just my brat of a sister Jess. “Have another dream about Christian?” she smeared.

“Shut up.” I mumbled.

“What did you say?” She remarked with another one of her looks.

“I said shut up.”  

“Oh yeah, whose going to make me? Christian?” I turned ferociously stomping into my room picking up the glass I had from last night. “That’s what I thought.” I heard her snarling from at the bottom of the steps. I turned running to the rail hurdling the glass down at the ground as it shattered, glass coving the ground. She looked up at me speechless with a look of surprise.

“I said shut up and I meant it. Now go bother somebody else.”

I got on the bus that morning listening to the bickering behind me, usually I would be along the chatter, but  I just listened to “Heaven” by: Bryan Adams until we finally reached school. I stepped off the bus clenching my coat; shivering at the cold gusts of wind.

I walked into the with the building only to be surrounded by the guys. “Hey, whatcha’ got there?” Brian teased tugging away my iPod.

“Give it back!” I exclaimed.

“Okay,” he groaned, “why are you so obsessed with that stupid song?”

“It’s a long story,” I replied, “Its just-“

“Well, I’m sure I’ve got time for a story.”

“I just-“ I paused hesitantly, “fine. I’ll tell you.”

June 29, 2008
 “Hey beautiful.” I heard a voice behind me. It was no question who it was.

“Christian!” I exclaimed turning away from my locker hugging him. As I pulled away he whipped out a bouquet of flowers. They were bright and vibrant, he obviously knew me well; as I’d always assumed. He always brightened up my day.

“Wow,” I gasped speechlessly, “they’re beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“Cheesy as always.” I laughed as he grinned.

“So, listen I have a surprise for you,” he whispered with his cheeky glow, “meet me outside at 2:50” I nodded in agreement.
Minutes felt lie hours until finally, the bell rang and I rushed grabbing everything from my locker and I came flying out the door and into Christian’s arms.

“Chill,” he began “you still had 30 seconds.”  I giggled a bit before he escorted me to his gorgeous black ’67 Chevy Impala. It was a true beauty.  

“Ready to go?” he questioned me with his big blue eyes.


“Oh before I forget-!” He handed me a change of clothes, “Go change quickly! You’re a bit overdressed for where we’re going.”

I jumped out of the car running to the bathroom. I changed into the clothes he gave me. It was the cutest cropped top tee that said ‘Free’ and these amazing dark washed high wasted shorts, and little back sandals.

“Wow you look stunning.” Christian teased.

“What is that supposed to make me feel beautiful?” I snarled, noticing where his eyes were exactly. "Eyes up buddy, this aint a peep show. You may be my boyfriend but-"

"Sorry. sorry." he said raising his hands in defense. "Now come on hop in."

“Where are we going?”


“No really where are we-“


“Oh wow,” I remarked, “I didn’t realize the middle of my sentence was interrupting the beginning of yours.” We exchanged glances laughing.

Listening to music, driving and talking… the time flew. Then we finally stopped in a parking lot on a cliff. He came and opened my door leading me down the stairs on the side of the hill to a little beach. The beach was surrounded by dense green woods and brilliantly bright flowers. They looked a lot like the ones in the bouquet he gave me. I felt isolated from the world like it was just him and I.

“Are those the same flowers in the-“

“Yes,” he cut me off once again, “Those are the flowers in you bouquet .” he smiled. “Well let’s get in the water!”

“But- I don’t have a bathing suit!” I exclaimed.

“Oh well!” He had the giddiest expression on his face as he grabbed my waste running at the water. We swam, splashed and laughed for hours. Until the sun began to set and we laid on the shore with our feet in the water. I felt so right with him wrapped in his arms. I wanted to be with him forever.

“Let’s build a sandcastle!” I exclaimed springing up like a little townsfolk child on Christmas day. He sprung up grabbing my wrist and pulled me closer as he brought out a remote pressing a button as the song “Heaven” by: Brian Adams came through the speakers of an iPod dock I didn't even notice. He pulled me closer as I laid my head on his shoulder while he caressed my hips as we rocked back and forward. The waves lined the shore, crashing and somehow dancing with us  at our feet. As the song ended; we stood there watching, waiting and anticipating. I looked at him, gazing into his eyes. They were sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight and blue as the crystal like water in which we stood. Staring at his lips as we leaned in for the perfect kiss and then… he pulled away for some reason.

“Hailey.” he said shakily.

“What?” I asked nervous to know the answer.

“I can’t be with you anymore.”

“What? Why?”

“Look its not you it’s-“

“Me,” I cut him off quickly, “never heard that one before.” Turning away from him scurrying the other direction.

“No, listen you don’t understand”

“No, you don’t understand!” I screeched with tears welling in my eyes, “We’ve been together four years and you want to dump me now?”

“It’s not like that!” he yelled chasing after me until he caught me, spinning me on my heels. “It’s not like that…” he said quietly. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear and kissed me on the cheek as my tears began flowing even more rapidly as if a river of all the frustration, anger, fear, sadness, and every other emotion I could feel were just flowing out of me.

“Can we stay here for a while longer?” I asked "Please." His eyes seemed to plead to find the emotion in my eyes yet saw a mass of confusion. He nodded his head and we laid there watching the stars.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

June 30, 2008
“Hailey!” I heard an exclamation from downstairs, “phone! Something about some guy… Christian?” I  sprinted down the stairs and answered the phone.

“I have to run Jess! I’ll be back by tomorrow!”

“But-“ the door slammed shut before she could respond and I was out the door. My sister ran in front of my car as I slammed the breaks; my car came to a long, screeching halt.
I sprung from my car, “What the hell?” I screamed, “I could’ve killed you! How stupid could you be?”

“I don’t care,” she replied voice shaking, “I want to know what’s wrong.”

“You won’t care, you don’t care about anything but yourself!”

“Fine. You’re right.” She said sternly, “I don’t care, but it’ll get dirt on you.”

“I don’t need your remarks, okay?” I sighed, “Move out of the way.”

“No not until you tell me,” she paused for a moment but then continued, “unless you want to b a big baby about everything.”
“God I’m happy I’m leaving you soon. Mom’s going to come home and I’ll be back off to college without snot nosed little brats like you.”

“Still not moving,” he smirked, but that smirk disappeared even quicker than it came for she looked in my eyes, “I’ve never seen you like this. Now I’m worried. What’s wrong?” 

“Christian. He’s in the hospital. He wasn’t supposed to die for another week! I have to go see him! What if he dies tonight…  Now move! Or I swear to god-“


Once she moved, I pressed down on the pedal, hard.  I drove with tears forming in my eyes. Suck it up I thought, he can’t see your tears. Here it is. I looked up at huge red cross and sprinted from  my car all the way to Christian’s room. I froze staring at him as he gazed out the window. He turned his head with the brightest smile on his face, which faded as quickly as it came when his eyes stared at my face.

“How can you be smiling right now. It’s supposed to be your last day.”

“Because,” he began, “I get to spend it with you.” I was still wearing the clothes he had given me the day before. I walked to the chair by his medical bed and laid my head on his chest sobbing.

“Hey,” he said tilting my head so my eyes met his. I tried to tear my gaze from his but I couldn’t. I couldn’t help but notice his sparkle was beginning to leave and is eyes were dulling. “Please don’t be sad. I’ll always be with you. Just look up to the stars; I’ll be the brightest one in the sky.”


“No, ” he cut me off, “Let me try to get this out. You’re the most extraordinarily brilliant girl I’ve even met. You're beautiful, cheeky, and I love you.” He pulled out a ring continuing on, “Hailey, I love you."

“I love you too.” I began crying a river.

"Will you marry me?"

"We can't get married..."

"Why not? My vows, the rings and everything you’ll have them. It just won’t be official, but I want you to keep going on and live your life. Even without me you can be happy. Carry on. We can have a fake little wedding right now if you want.”

I laughed, "Sure." I said.

"Okay," he said, "I Christian take you Alexia to be my wife."

" And I take you Christian to be my husband." I laughed at the thought.

"You have to promise me you'll carry on no matter what. You have to live your life without me there." he paused to look at me. "Do you promise?

“I promise,” I paused, “ but you’re my one and only. No one can replace you. I’m sorry but you may not be my first but you're most definitely my last.” He smiled and went on talking about everything that’s happened to us and I fell asleep by the side of his bed, my head on his chest and the feeling of him stroking my hair. His stomach bobbed up and down ever so slightly, and so steady. Being in his arms was the best feeling I ever felt. I was woken with a long lasting beep. My eyes opened, blurry trying to adjust to the brightly lighted room. I looked over at the monitor. The line was straight and the noise of the beep was now crisp and clear. I began shaking him.

“Christian?” I began “Christian? Christian! No!” I screamed. I became frantic.“We need a doctor! Please help me!” A group of men and women swarmed in pushing me out of the room.

"You have to give us space. You need to get out." I stood outside the room watching helplessly. He was gone.

  “That’s it everyone.” The doctor called. “2:48 AM. July 31, 2008.


"And I haven't loved anyone else since." I murmured. I looked up to see the guys with their heads hanging low speechless over what they just heard. 

"I- I'm so sorry." Brian stuttered, "I had no idea."I just-"

"Yeah," I huffed under my breath, "but its fine. I see him every night." I whispered staring down at my ring. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

3 Facts and a Fiction: Topic 4: Darcy

Darcy was the most amazingly extravagant person I could ask for as a sister. We always fought, but since we were true sisters, we could always get over our little disputes that I felt and still feel were just ridiculous along the lines of what should've been acceptable for family. She’s taught me so much and she’s the main reason for me having athletic capabilities in any way shape or form. That truly naturally beautiful girl never had to wear makeup or anything, and I’ve honestly never seen anyone so… perfect. But then came that day, that tragic awful day. It was truly my fault. That picture… those last few moments still play over and over in my head. I don’t even know what we were fighting over, but I really hope it was immensely important.

We got into some dispute but I can’t remember what for. All I can remember was her slamming that door and pulling out of the drive way. The sky was grey and the rain poured down splattering upon the sidewalk. Two hours later, the police arrived at our house. They told me that my sister died in a crash. I could feel my body tremble and my legs weaken as I collapsed to the ground in tears. I felt as if I were internally dying. They told me she had to have been going fast, like really fast. She had to have been going somewhere among 100 miles per hour plus when she crashed into the bumpers on the side of the highway.

What did she ever do? This beautiful girl, perfect in every way loved by everyone was now dead and gone. I remember her showing me that song… “Dead and Gone” by: TI. That song used to be my favorite song, and ever since she died it’s been the one I’ve feared for the longest time imaginable; only because of the story of death. Not how it happened, not when it happened; just the concept.

But her eyes were a sparkling waterfall of blue. She was the only one with blue eyes in our part of the family. I don’t know how she contained those genes and got that 25% chance contained in her. Her perfect brunette hair... I always thought that was a weird combination, but she made it look out of the ordinary and just completely breath taking. I always wanted to be like her… I wanted to be as pretty as her, as good at sports as her… I wanted to know her secrets to being the perfect being she was. She was completely driven away from being self centered, and she knew when she could do the right thing; that’s when she would grasp the chance and take it… but she doesn’t do that anymore. She doesn’t do anything anymore. She just stays up there, dazzling among the stars, the brightest of them all and paints my shadows down on the sidewalk as I sit trying to talk to her in the moonlight. All of these facts made me twitch in realization that my sister was gone; I guess that’s why I’m so afraid to talk about her. I guess some things were destiny… but I bet we could’ve changed it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Topic 1: One Direction

When you hear of a pop phenomenon, what; or rather who comes to mind? It may be your favorite artist, or maybe even your favorite soda if you somehow misinterpreted what I meant by saying “pop.” But what comes to mind isn’t just anyone. Its the amazingly talented boys in One Direction whom I love so dearly. I met them about a month ago and they haven’t slipped my mind. Not once, not ever. They were always the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last I thought of when I fell asleep. I never knew I would, or rather could fall for Harry. He was a pop star, singing sold out concerts, getting whatever he pleased whenever he pleased. Ugh. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach. It was unbearable it was to have to admit had had fallen completely head over heels for him because it seemed impossible. How could someone so famous, so gorgeous want to go out with someone like me? To be honest, I was shocked I couldn’t even tolerate him, but I knew my friend Skyler would be drooling all over them and practically worshiping the ground they walked on. Each and everyone of them... but I never knew that she would start to like Niall, like legitimately. And I sure as hell didn’t think it would go this far...

Chapter 1: Rachel
“One Direction! One Direction! One Direction!” The chants in the crowd were immense. I could barely hear myself think. Skyler stood next to me, screaming with me as we heard a voice, a very familiar voice. It was Harry I could tell right off the bat. “Thats what makes you beautiful-ul-ul” The sound echoed and the lights flashed as the beginning of the song broke. Liam was the first to emerge from the smoke leading through a tunnel on the stage. “You’re insecure... Don’t know what for” We were immediately screaming along with the lyrics. “Baby you light up my world like nobody else!”

My eye immediately caught Harry. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I never knew anyone could look so perfect. His bouncy curly locks perfectly framing his beautifully sculpted face. Oh, don’t get me wrong they were all truly amazing... but something about Harry. Something about his perfect complexion, his gorgeous eyes, his smile... oh his smile. His smile could melt a snowcone in Antarctica. Then Harry’s solo started... “Baby you light up my world like nobody else...” His eyes caught mine and I was absolutely breathless. I want to stay frozen in that exact moment forever. Then came that moment we broke our gaze... “Thats what makes you beautiful!” He voice was powerful as a bulldozer. But those few amazing seconds I spent gazing into his eyes made me feel like I wanted him. Like I wanted to be his, and I wanted him to be mine... forever.

Of course, perfect timing. “What Makes You Beautiful” ended then the song “I Want” came blasting through the speakers... “I want. I want. I want. But that's crazy.” Yeah. I knew it was crazy. I mean what were the odds? A normal small town girl, poor and who barely made this concert would have even the slimmest chance as to have a glimpse of a huge pop star such as him, or any of them. They were all so stunning. Huge comparison there. I mean... just look at me. Harry took one last look at me during their closing, singing a reprise of “What Makes You Beautiful” once again, then left. I yearned to be with him in that very moment. I couldn’t believe my time had already turned. Why couldn’t I be with him? I knew the answer.. I just didn’t want to admit to the truth.

Okay, okay I will admit I liked the lads a lot like even more than you could imagine. But I wasn’t obsessed and I’m still not obsessed. I mean... as Zayn always says, “Don’t call a girl obsessed when she’s just in love.” Well, I wasn’t sure it was absolute love. However, I knew there was something there. A flare, maybe even just a spark that could start our fire.

I walked home alone that night. My friends ditched me after the whole soiree and they went to drink. I couldn’t believe them. Come on, the bar... again... really? I guess I just don’t really drink, which is odd I guess but I’m proud of it. I hate the smell of alcohol. The stench. The people who pierced the fresh air with their interesting smells, however did some pretty hilarious things though. No one was on the streets though. The streets were eerily silent and still besides the few passing cars that made me jump at every honk. Thunder then began to pick up and the lightning struck the street beside me. My sight blurred focusing in and out on the six figures around me then everything went black.

Chapter 2: Harry Styles

Her smile, the way she gazed up at me and that twinkle in her eyes. It was as if every one of our song lyrics about these amazing perfect girls came a thousand percent true when I saw her. Who was that girl?
“Hey Harry!” Louis called, “You seemed a little... distracted...”
“Who Me? Distracted? Well, thats a boat full of rubbish.” I solemnly replied.
“I was just kidding, gosh Harry. Can’t you take a bit of a banter?”
“Yes, I can. I’m just a bit... flustered thats all.”
“What is it Harry?”
“Well... I sa-”
“Hazza!” Liam cried running through the door.
“Vas Happenin’?” Zayn sneered.
“Hey Harry! Great job on your solo!” Niall commented.
“Why thank-you lads.” I responded.
“Well what are we doing here lads?”  Zayn exclaimed, “Off the the bar we go!”
“Yeah... just one second...” I mumbled.
“You alright Hazza?” Liam questioned me.
“Yeah,” I replied, “never better I just need to talk to Louis.. alone.”
“Alright, but hurry!” He squealed, “We’re definitely in for a good night!” The lads left the room and Louis looked at me with his worried stares. “What’s the matter Harry?”
“It just a girl.” I replied.”
“Harry Edward Styles,” He began, “I know you. Your the most rambunctious and flirtatious eighteen year old I've ever met. Whats wrong? You wouldn't be goo goo over some girl you saw, and never talked to."
"Really, its fine," I continued, "Can we just go? We'll be left behind. I'll tell you on the way."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Topic 2: Love "What is Love?"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Our writing circle chose love as a topic. I have many points of view on what exactly "love" is.

Love... Love is something that everybody wants to feel. Its something everybody thinks they’ve felt. It’s the thing that everybody who thinks they’ve felt it say that its the thing in life that hurts the most, but its not the love that hurts. The thing that hurts is that you think you feel love, but you really don't, and the delusional feelings you have inside you crashes down into your emotion and makes you broken hearted. People always say to take caution when it comes to love, and others say its like poker, and play it like a game, and people always go for the wrong guys. Why do we always go for the wrong guys? I think it’s their looks, their style, and simply because they say the right things. Is love truly worth it? Is it really worth your time to search desperately for the one you can hold, love, and adore? Well, I think so... but don't ask me. I don't know if i know what love is anymore.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading Between the Lines

 Author's Note: This passage is a literary analysis on the short stories “Home” by: Gwendolyn Brooks and “Papa’s Parrot” by: Cynthia Rylant. I feel that even completely different books can have similarities when you read between the lines and challenge yourself; as I tried to do to myself as well.

Imagine if you were on the verge of losing something. Now imagine that something was something you just couldn’t live without, or rather shouldn’t be able to live without unless you were heartless. These are the emotions and situations dealt with by the main characters in two very different, but similar stories. The stories “Home” by: Gwendolyn Brooks and “Papa’s Parrot” by: Cynthia Rylant are both alike in a few ways. Even though the differences are plain and easy to see you can pick out similarities between the two as well based on their plot line within the comedic mode of literature. There are also similarities between the two based on characteristics, such as the main characters being in control.

 Both the stories “Home” and “Papa’s Parrot” perfectly fit the comic literature. Both of the stories have normalcy set in their beginnings. In “Papa’s Parrot” the author portrays the simple and ideal life at the candy shop: “For years, after school, Harry had always stopped in to see his father at work... (p.439). Among the first two paragraphs in the story portray how marvelous life was when Harry was younger and loved being at the candy shop with his friends. The entire first paragraph is dedicated to showing the almost common normal lifestyle in the beginning… “What had been wanted was this always, this always to last…(p.218). Returning to “Papa’s Parrot,” the conflict arises after Harry and his father managed to grow apart. Harry began to care less about his father and more about his friends; then the normal everyday things that he used to do with his father became tremendously infrequent. As a result, Harry’s father bought a parrot in which he talked to more frequently. However, the largest conflicts don’t come into the picture until Papa was working in the candy shop and has an ill-fated heart attack. “Home” also quickly falls to conflict when everyone is so nervous waiting to find the answer to if she would get a loan if they can on the house to allow them to be home owners. Thankfully, in the end of both stories they come to a sense of resolution. In “Papa’s Parrot,” Harry offers to go to the shop and take care his father’s Candy Shop and his bird. “Miss him! Miss him! Where’s Harry you stupid bird!... (p.441) In the end, Harry hears the bird mimicking what his father was saying before, and how much he loved him and missed him. You get that sense of relief when you hear “Then he went to go visit his papa. (p.442). Concluding the resolution to “Home,” papa returns to the family with the news that they’re able to purchase their home. “Everything will be alright” (p 220) is what Mama says, and that brings “Home” to a conclusion of the comic mode.

Beyond the plot line of “Papa’s Parrot” is that the main character, or in this case characters are in control. If Harry were to have kept a tighter bond with his father he may not have been so separated and could have communicated more. Harry shut his father out in a way and moved onto hanging out with friends and going to a burger joint instead of his father’s old candy shop. On the other hand, Harry’s father was also to blame. His way of coping by buying Rocky only pushed his son further away. Throughout the story, Harry’s father could’ve talked to his son more or try to attempt to take him somewhere else besides the candy shop, maybe even whith his friends, where they all could’ve have an excellent time together. He needed to stop being so naive and just understand that his son grew up and that everyone will grow up. “Home” also has a main character in control, which in this case was Mama. Mama was most definitely in control because she is helping her family and herself co-op as well as prepare for the best or worst that could possibly be an outcome from their situation.

Other than the plot lines and main characters being in control the story also has the concept of realism. In the real world, most teenagers grow apart from their parents just as Harry did in “Papa’s Parrot.” Realism is portrayed in “Home” as well because generally in reality in situations such as this family had endured; the family will always come together and support each other through the good and bad times they must face as a family.

In conclusion, “Home” and “Papa’s Parrot” both have similarities between each other even though they have more obvious differentials. Through their plot lines, realism and the character’s control over the potential course of the storyline; they share similarities in ways that are more obviously unrelated. All you have to do is look deeper into the text and read between the lines.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Love That Never Really Fades

Everything was perfect. The sun shone and all was going well in the little candy shop on the corner. Harry and his friends visit every day. That candy shop was always open, and always bright. Then came the year Harry turned twelve and everything changed. Beneath all the love and dependence Harry contained for his father there was a dependent man banging on the walls and screaming to get out. Life for the Mr. Tillian and his son changed and all was disturbed when growing up came into the picture. “Papa’s Parrot” by: Cynthia Rylant is a perfect example of the comedic mode of literature. Plot line structures, symbolism, and character behavior of the story are mainly in the comedic mode. Even though the plot line heads downhill, everything gets better, and makes you feel reassured and blissful again with its sense of resolution.

 “Papa’s Parrot” entirely fits the comic literature. In the beginning, normalcy is set when the author portrays the common and ideal life at the candy shop: “For years, after school, Harry had always stopped in to see his father at work... (p.439). Among the first two paragraphs in the story portray how amazing life was when Harry was younger and loved being at the candy shop. Despite the love and cherished moments Harry and his father obtained they still managed to grow apart. Harry began to care less about his father and more about his friends and the normal everyday things became majorly infrequent. As a result, Harry’s father bought a parrot in which he talked to more frequently. However, the largest conflicts quickly come into the picture when Papa was working in the candy shop and has an unfortunate heart attack. While his father was sick, Harry then offered to run the candy shop and take care of his parrot while his father was sick. “Miss him! Miss him! Where’s Harry you stupid bird!... (p.441) In the end, Harry hears the bird mimicking what his father was saying before, and how much he loved him and missed him. You get that sense of relief when you hear “Then he went to go visit his papa. (p.442).

Alongside the plot line fitting the comedic mode of literature, so does the symbolism. Because the setting is so relatable to common life with activities such as visiting a candy shop, playing video games, or shopping for records the pieces all come together to set a setting of normalcy. Rocky, the parrot Harry’s father bought was one of the key traits of being one of which is the comedic mode of literature. Rocky was a tame, common house pet in the setting. These are all strong examples of everyday American life. Also, throughout the story, the time of day can easily be assumed to be during daylight or midday, which is also among the comedic mode.

Beyond the plot line and symbolism is that the main character, or in this case characters are in control. If Harry were to have kept a tighter bond with his father he may not have separated so much and could have communicated more. Harry kind of shut his father out and moved onto hanging out with friends and going to a burger joint instead of his father’s old candy shop. On the other hand, Harry’s father is also to blame. His was of coping by buying Rocky only pushed his son further away. Throughout the story, Harry’s father could’ve talked to his son more or try to attempt to take him somewhere else besides the candy shop. He needed to stop being so naive and just understand that his son grew up and that everyone will grow up.

The story “Papa’s Parrot” portrays a father and son bond that was beginning to break, but in which was restored in the end. Through the symbolism and character behavior the author shows how we must overcome that feeling of relentlessness against our parents, and should try to keep a strong bond because you never know what can happen. Toward the end, when the conflict is resolved, the reader feels a sense of relief and is in knowing that everything is okay, therefore completing the comedic cycle.